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Welcome Beautiful Soul

I'm Chantal
Pure Energy Healer, Light Language Channel & Akashic Records Reader

I am a pure pristine conduit of divine healing light, anchoring in high vibrational frequencies to heal and activate you into your highest timeline. This frequency shift is achieved through quantum healing that I channel tailored to you, experienced via Light Language, Pure Energy Healing and Invocations

I connect only with high vibrational energies aligned with Christ Conciousness including Angels, Galactic and Interdimensional Light Beings, as well as Elementals for the highest good of all with the purest intentions. I closely work with your Quantum Highest Self and perform responsible Cord Cutting. In addition, I receive messages from spirit to share, to further assist your healing and ascension journey. This is acquired through general mediumship or more specifically, accessing Akashic Records


    Let Me Light Up Your Path

I offer a 1:1 Virtual Session for Clearing, Healing and Activation through channeling, aligning you to your highest timeline, that accommodates different needs, worldwide.

Health, Happiness, Peace, Love and Abundance
Deepen your Intuition, Unlock Gifts, Discover your Life Purpose And More...

Check out OFFERING for detailed information and booking


Social Media
Youtube:   Light-filled Channel - YouTube
@lightfilledchannel • Instagram photos and videos

This type of channeling is potent.
 You WILL shift to a higher vibration. This results in releasing anything of low vibration which may be experienced emotionally, physically and/or witnessed in the 3D reality. This depends on what is being Cleared, Healed and Activated based on where you are in your journey. It is natural and exciting! By consuming my work, you are taking full responsibility for your own well-being xo

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